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Grade 6

Students are expected to practice at least once a week for 20 minutes


Class 5/6-1 meets Monday period 4 and Wednesday period 1.

Class 6-1 meets Tuesday period 3 and Wednesday period 6.

Class 6-2 meets Tuesday period 5 and Thursday period 2.

Class 6-1FI meets Monday and Thursday period 4.


5/6-1      Performance Evaluation Wednesday, January 20

              Level 3    Exercise 33, 34 or 35

              Level 4    Exercise 36


61          Performance Evaluation Wednesday, January 20

              Level 3    Exercise 43,45 or 49

              Level 4    Exercise 55


62         Performance Evaluation Thursday, January 21         

             Level 3    Exercise 43,45 or 49         

             Level 4    Exercise 55


6-1FI     Performance Evaluation Thursday, January 21

             Level 4    Exercise 55, 56 or 57 




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