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Grade 7

Class 7-1 meets Tuesday period 2 and Thursday period 5

Class 7-2 meets Tuesday period 6 and Friday period 5

Class 7-1FI meets Tuesday and Wednesday period 4




7-1FI-     Performance Evaluation Tuesday, January 19

             Level 3     Exercise 88 or 89

             Level 4     Exercise 90 with original variation replacing the theme


7-1        Performance Evaluation Thursday, January 21

             Level 3     Exercise 74 or 75

             Level 4     Exercise 76


7-2        Performance Evaluation Friday, January 22

             Level 3     Exercise 74 or 75

             Level 4     Exercise 76


7-2        Performance Evaluation Thursday, January 21

             Level 3     Exercise 74 or 75

             Level 4     Exercise 76






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